Posted by sacreddream - January 28th, 2012

Yes, Finally! Downloads available now through CD Baby


search Lisa Thiel

or go to the individual CD pages on my site

and click on a direct link to the CD Baby site,

or go to Ordering Info page for a direct link.

Soon to be available as well  through Amazon

 and I- Tunes as mp3 downloads!

CDs are also now available  on

the CD Baby site

2 Responses to “Sacred Dream has Gone Digital!”

  1. susannah

    hello Lisa, I was with you and others for a week in Mexico many years ago. I still cherish your music. Are you going to record anotherd CD? Are you still writing?

  2. Eleni

    Greetings Lisa, We are so blessed to know you and your healing music and artwork. I am so very thankful for you , your music has changed my life, given me peace and helped me create in light and love. Peace and Blessings-Eleni

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