David Adam Lertzman, my dear friend, brother, fellow musician, just crossed over May 4, 2021.
He was part of a group of deep soul friends that I played music with and did ceremony with ,beginning in the early 90s.
This group created the magical environment for my later albums, Invocation of the Graces, and Circle of the Seasons to be born.
One of David’s many songs ,Earth Joy Dance, is on Invocations. He leaves behind a legacy of many many beautiful and amazing songs, including one to the Green Man which is one of my favorite songs..
On the home page we are all pictured during our one time public performance together at the Fairy Congress in 2006 in WA,
which shows David on the far right, his wife Sarah and David Macvittie’s wife Mela singing back up vocals.
David Adam Lertzman was a humanitarian, in the truest sense of the word.
I met him as a young man still in school, an intensely creative and gifted person that was so talented in so many varied ways.
What a joy it was to see him manifest all of that incredible potential into full reality as he became a Professor at the
University Of Calgary as well as a spiritual teacher ,and that his work
enriched the lives of his students, associates, and contributed directly to the preservation of Indigenous cultures as well as of the Earth herself.
I pay tribute to a life lived magnificently!
Though his body is gone , his spirit lives on in the heart and minds of all that love him. Blessed Be David Adam.

David’s Passing was sudden and unexpected. He leaves behind a wife and two small children. A gofundme page for Sarah Lertzman has been created to support them through this difficult transitional time, if you care to contribute. https://gofund.me/d3d4ba00