Marla Brooks is an author, tarot reader and the host of her own show, Stirring the Cauldron, on the Para X Radio Network. She brings a little bit of Pagan into the paranormal with interesting and informative guests from both realms in order to help clear up misconceptions, remove the fear of the unknown and above all, celebrate our magickal world.
Keys of Knowledge
Inspiring informational Pagan site
Fire In The Mind
A beautiful collection of poetry and songs to the goddess Brighid.
Temple of the Goddess
A wonderful Goddess organization in true service to the L.A. community
Kuan Yin
A spiritual healing center whose patron goddess is Kuan Yin /Kannon
Magical Art
The Art of Jody Bergsma – Bergsma Gallery Online
For a Unique Northwest Experience visit the Jody Bergsma Gallery Online. Along with Jody’s collection of watercolor art they also carry a full line of gift products; art cards, magnets, mugs, t-shirts, puzzles, hand painted sun catchers & more!
Lisa Thiel’s visionary southwest art is being exhibited exclusively at the Affairs of the Art Gallery in Tucson, Arizona.
Artwork of Bianca Van Luxzenburg:
www.kunstdiejoubeweegt.nl email: biancaenstefan@hetnet.nl
The Mermaid Guild
Beautiful poetry and artwork dedicated to mermaids.
Rocknkat’s Mermaid Page
More beautiful poetry and artwork dedicated to mermaids and faeries.
Sacred Circle Dance
Sacred dances for sacred music.
Soul R&R
Sacred teachings from my psychic friend Lucy Stern.
Susun Weed
Wise Woman, Herbalist, and Author
Art & Soul Productions
Soulful Art From An Old Friend
Sacred Circle Dance
Sacred dances for sacred music.
Cloudspeak: Oracles in the Sky – Learn about personal oracles on Ann Bolinger-McQuade’s interactive website. Enjoy online cloud gazing with images like Ann’s cloud dragon at the top of the page; click on the ‘What Do You See’ section; then outline what you see.
Email Ann through her website to share your own personal oracle experiences. Check out Ann’s upcoming book EVERYDAY PERSONAL ORACLES from Tarcher/Penguin. Then watch for The Cloud-Speak book and cards she developed with Lisa Thiel.
Soul Source Transformational Healing Energetics with Forrest Green
Songs of the Goddess blog~ featuring my music
Celtic & symbolic jewelry, goddess / magical garb & more!
Wonderful machinima hobbyist from the UK has made two utubes using my songs that are amazing. He has several other incredibly creative ingenious films check them out!
“Celestial Elf, a machinima film maker focusing on the Elven and the Ancient Ways. Celestial, because this denotes the heavens, the freedom of the skies and the beyond, Elf, because of my affinity with the ancient origins of the term, describing semi-divine beings endowed with magical powers which they use for the benefit of mankind. My interest is in Re-Visioning the Ancient stories in modern life, to assist people in visualizing and thereby actualizing more positive, life based and nature linked ways to deal with life, relationships and and with the sacred world all around us.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBKZG6Fc7aE ( Mermaid Queen utube)
http://www.youtube.com/user/CelestialElf ( see: Eostre Equinox { Spring Song } and the Bee Myth )
some bio here: http://www.planetshifter.com/node/1813
Coming Nov 22nd! The Inner Cheerleader reveals how to embrace life. Develop your own inner cheerleader to help you succeed in love, business, learning, and everything you ever wanted to achieve. http://www.yourinnercheerleader.com/email.html
Terri Marie, White Wing Entertainment
Award-Winning Producer and Author
Bringing a little more light into the world of entertainment
Visit http://www.spiritualarena.com and get a “Weekly Motivational Dose” of inspiration and Encouragement so you can tackle all those dreams of yours. www.facebook.com/pages/Terri-Marie/172305228839

Mystwood Oils and Oddities travels to select events throughout the year. We will have our full line of Essential Oil Blends, Bath Salts, Bath Scrubs and, of course, our “Oddities” of Wands, Staffs and Walking Sticks. You never know what you will find in the Mystwood!http://www.mystwoodoils.com