Rainbow Woman © 1986 Lisa Thiel

Rainbow Woman (3x)

Shining Being Eternally wise

Dancing across the ancient skies…


Rainbow woman please come

bring your healing light to me

Rainbow Woman please come

Restore the beauty within me


Rainbow Woman (3x)

Creation Mother, shines

with moonbeams, planting

the seeds of sacred dreams


Rainbow Woman please come

Wisdom woman come to me

Rainbow Woman please come

restore the beauty within me

 White Buffalo Woman © 1984 Lisa Thiel


White Buffalo Woman, I seek thy vision

White Buffalo Woman I seek thy grace

White Buffalo Woman I seek thy wisdom

White Buffalo Woman I seek thy peace


Fill me with thy vision

Fill me with thy grace

Fill me with thy wisdom

Fill me with thy peace

 Corn Mother Chant © 1986 Lisa Thiel

 Sacred Corn Mother come to me

 Make my way sacred,

 fill me with beauty, fill me with beauty,

 fill me with beauty, fill me with beauty,

 that I may bring others beauty.


Green Tara Mantra ( music by Lisa Thiel © 1986)

 Om Tare Tutare Turey soha, Om Khadira Ranya Tara Om Tare Tutare Turey soha


Acchi Mantra ( music by Lisa Thiel © 1988)

 Om sarva Buddha Dakini Hri Mama Sakta soha


Song to the Grandmothers © 1986 Lisa Thiel

 Grandmothers weaving the rainbow, Grandmothers weaving the light

 Grandmothers weaving the rainbow Weaving the threads of my life

 Guide me on my spirit journey Guide me on my spirit journey

 Grandmothers make my way sacred lead me on the path of light

 Grandmothers awaken wisdom help me on my spirit flight

 Grandmothers Women of wisdom Dance your sacred dance of light

 sing your sacred songs of beauty help me on my spirit flight


Song to Inanna © 1986 Lisa Thiel

 I am the daughter of the ancient mother

 I am the child of the mother of the world

 O Inanna, O Inanna, O Inanna It is you who teaches us to

 die be reborn and rise again die be reborn and rise again

 die be reborn and rise.


Warrior Goddess music by Susan Haist words by Susan Haist and Lisa Thiel and © 1988

 Warrior Goddess, Warrior Goddess come to me

 Warrior Goddess, Warrior Goddess come to me

 I need your wisdom for this age

 I need your wisdom for this age

 Grace strength and courage I need,

 Infinite courage I need

 Reveal my spirit vision to me

 open my heart and mind to see

 the warrior goddess in me


Spirit of the Plants © 1984 Lisa Thiel

The spirit of the plants has come to me

in the form of a beautiful dancing green woman

 the spirit of the plants has come to me

 in the form of a beautiful dancing green woman

Her eyes filled me with peace Her dance filled me with peace

Her eyes filled me with peace Her dance filled me with peace

The spirit of the plants has come to me and has blessed with great peace


Kuan Yin © 1985 Susan Haist

 Kuan Yin , Kuan Yin, Adi Shakti  too ,White Buffalo Woman of the west

 Your spirit dwells within our realms

 to teach and inspire us, to teach and inspire us

 Goddess of grace, goddess of strength, Keeper of the creative force

 Goddess of light, goddess of love,

 I long to be one with you

 teach me to be a goddess too


Moon Mother © 1986 Lisa Thiel

 O Moon Mother light of the night, the stars

 who are your company dance with you…

 Teach us the mystery of your dance

 that we may be in harmony with you

 and learn to give away and renew

 O Moon Mother your loving gaze falls

 softly on the sacred mountains

 O Moon Mother your shining gaze falls

 softly on the sacred oceans

 Sacred plants dance in the light of the night

 dancing in harmony with you

 ocean waves dance in the light of the night

 dancing in harmony with you

 teaching us to give away and renew


Song of the Mermaid Queen © 1990 Lisa Thiel

 As I went down to the coast on the Isle of Iona

and as I looked out upon the turquoise sea

 there on the rocks a shining in the clear light

was the shimmering form of the Mermaid Queen

Her tail was a glow with a thousand rainbows

her silver hair with shells and jewels adorned

 she looked at me with eyes of emerald and said

“ I am the mother from whom all are born”

“ I am the spirit of the ocean” said she “I am the mother of mystery,

 and you as all humans are one of my children,

 for as you know all life came from the sea.

 O, remember my child that the sea is within you

 and within you the knowledge of all that life can be

, and if you know this then you will know me

 for I am at the heart of your divine destiny”

 “O great goddess of the ocean ,grandmother of the sea,

 you who are the keeper of the ancient mysteries

 I honor you and the wisdom you carry

and honor the part of you that is in me.”

 And with that she smiled and vanished ‘neath the waves

 and though her form was gone the light around her stayed,

 and many a time I’ll think of Iona and remember the words of the Mermaid Queen.


I Am the Goddess © 1985 Lisa Thiel

 I am the Goddess , mother of life

 I am the Goddess, bearer of life

 I am I am the Goddess divine, I am  I am the Goddess divine

 Isis , Venus, Ishtar ,Kali

 Minerva, Shakti ,Kuan Yin, Lakshmi ,

 I am I am the Goddess divine, I am I am the Goddess divine.

 I am the Goddess ever living

 I am the Goddess ever loving

 I am I am the Goddess divine……..

 I am the Goddess creatress of life

 I am the Goddess who nourishes life

 I am I am the Goddess divine….
