It seems that every year, right at Candlemas/Imbolc my Ocotillos sprout their bright green leaves as if on cue. It always moves me, as a reminder of Brighid’s healing green mantle spreading over the earth. In the desert green is rare and precious and literally symbolizes new life , as does the season.
It is the promise of spring around the corner,of faith and hope for the new cycle of the year, and the power of renewal that the green energy brings.
I find myself thinking how can this cycle be different, how can I approach old patterns in new ways and truly make this a new beginning?
Many of us hope that if we keep on doing the same things in the same way life will eventually change around us. But what is most difficult is to actually change ourselves from within, our inner patterns/ programming to create the changes without in our world.
When I was very young I had a teacher and no matter what I said about my wanting to change circumstances in my life he would say “change yourself”.
” I would say no, no you dont understand there’s this and that going on” and he would just repeat ” change yourself -that is the only power that you truly have.”
Although frustrated at the time at his answer, over the years Ive seen the wisdom of his words. So at this time in the blessed energy of new life and new beginnings I plant intentions for positive change in my psyche, waiting for spring.